Sunday, October 17, 2010

Heaven On a Rainy Day..

It's been a rainy weekend and I can't think of a better way to spend it than have a warm and gooey Molten Chocolate Cake. I discovered it from my sister-in-law Alcee and it was ever since our 'go to' recipe when it comes to dessert. I even used to sell it back in my previous company (PostManila) and it's always been the main event of the evening. I made these babies originally for my husband's colleagues, I just snatched a couple of pieces for our dinner dessert. It goes perfectly with a dollop of cream or vanilla ice-cream.

Recipe Link:
Molten Chocolate Cake

Happy Baking!!! :D

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A 'Friend's' Birthday Cupcakes..

These are the cupcakes my friend Lucille ordered 3 days ago and picked up yesterday. She said it's for a 'friend' and each candy topper theme has it's own meaning that even I, can't understand. It's kind of an inside joke I guess.

It is all Banana Cake with Vanilla Frosting and edible themed candy toppers. So cute!! :D

Friday, October 8, 2010

Sneaky Snickers..

I love Snickers! It is one of my favorite chocolate bars ever since I was little. I remember every time a relative comes home from the States, they give us this huge bag of assorted chocolate bars, unfortunately my sister and I had to share it with our cousins from upstairs and the next day early morning, my sister Ella would be the first one to get Snickers and take it to school, so I always end up having Milkyway or Butterfingers instead (a sad memory of my childhood). :D

This morning, while I was thinking of something better to do with my friend/regular customer Lucille's cupcakes (as a thank you gift coz she ordered 3 dozen Banana Cake with Vanilla Frosting and candy toppers for a friend's birthday. see next post.), I suddenly craved for Snickers and then I thought, Lucille will flip if she see some chopped Snickers on her cupcakes. Who wouldn't? So I went on with the plan and she did flipped when she saw the cupcakes.

I used it with Banana Cake and I honestly think it went well with Snickers. It kind of gave me the impression of Banana Split. And to make it even more heavenly, I drizzled it with Chocolate Ganache made with Vanhouten chocolate chips. Snickers is usually paired with chocolate cake but I find it a little redundant in chocolate so I thought I'd give it a little twist.

Here's the links of recipes you can try:
Banana Cupcakes
Basic Buttercream
Chocolate Ganache 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Back in Business..

The business was kind of slow for the past weeks sucking the life out of me. So when my good friend Hanzel called to place an order last weekend, I was brought back to life. I can proudly say that baking is my addiction. Well, I know this can be hard to believe but I don't really eat what I bake, so it is the baking process that I'm addicted to (a little defensive I know, but it is true).

Hanz ordered a dozen Butter Cake with Chocolate Frosting and Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Frosting. My husband's colleagues also ordered 2 dozen of Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Frosting and then, I was instantly back in business.

Hanzel is one of the 'few but true' friends that I have. We used to work together back in PostManila. One of my unforgettable moments with her was last year, it was her first day (I think) at work and we still barely know each other, I was having a rough day at work then I received a text message from her, saying "I'm just here if you need someone to talk to..". And that was the beginning of our friendship. She's a strong woman that even Brock Lesnar won't be able to take her down.

I drizzled the Chocolate Cupcakes with Ganache for a change. I always try my best to come up with something different every time. Hanz told me on facebook that her colleagues loved the cupcakes. Nothing satisfies me more than happy customers. It's a one man show and it's tough but I'm not going anywhere. I love my job. :D

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My New Baking Buddy..

It was a huge surprise when my old friend Melody called me this afternoon going crazy about wanting to learn how to bake and just the perfect timing, I'm alone for the weekend coz Kursten is at my Mom's house and husband is at work, she came over right away to pick me up. She just got married and being the typical stepford wife that I am (not really), I agreed to teach her some of the few tricks I know about baking. After a long discussion of what we are going to bake, we finally agreed to make her and her husband's favorite Banana Muffins. We used my version of the recipe except less sweet so we reduced the amount of sugar by 4 tablespoons.

making sure each muffin is of the same size.. OC..

We went to Fort Bonifacio first to buy her mom Tamales but when we got there, they ran out. So Mel bought her mom sweet meats instead (we call it 'kakanin' here in the Philippines. not sure if it's the right English term). Of course, like what I've mentioned in my earlier post, I always go to Cupcakes by Sonja every time I visit Serendra and since Melody unbelievably haven't been there before. She was like a little girl in the candy store when we stepped inside Cupcakes by Sonja and just as amazed when she took her first bite on her Chocolate Mint Cupcake. Taking her to that cupcake store turned out to be a pretty good idea coz she told me she's not a big fan before, but she is now. She said she'll definitely come back for more.

Clockwise: The Elvis, Mint Condition, Choco Cream Pie, Bunny Huggers Carrot Cake, Vanilla Sunshine and Peppermint Patty..

We were so happy that Mel's first ever baked goody turned out great. It's a good thing I have few cupcake boxes left and Mel was able to take the muffins home to his husband. I really hope he liked it. I look forward to baking again with Melody coz I honestly need a baking buddy.. 

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